WWE Smackdown results - August 15, 2014

WWE Smackdown show was taped on Tuesday night in Seattle, Washington and was aired on Friday night as usual. With only a couple of days left for the Biggest Party of the Summer this Sunday night, we take a look at the results of the go home show.
The Miz TV with Roman Reigns
Smackdown opened with The Miz TV segment as Intercontinental champion Miz had Roman Reigns as his special guest on the night. Miz reminded everybody that he will retain his IC title at SummerSlam before welcoming his mom’s favourite superstar, Reigns. It did not take long enough for the Moneymaker to make this interview all about himself as Reigns got tired of his taunts and antics. The black-clad superstar delivered a punch square to Miz, sending him tumbling out of the ring. As he headed up the ramp, Reigns told the crowd he respects Orton's accomplishments, but assured everyone that he will be victorious this weekend.

Dean Ambrose and Cesaro
In the opening feud of the night which was applauded with “ This is awesome!” chants by the crowd, Cesaro delivered a clothesline to Ambrose in the height of action for a nearfall. But Cesaro could not capitalise on his momentum as Ambrose surprised the King of Swing with the Dirty Deeds for the three-count.
Winner: Dean Ambrose
After the match, Ambrose’s SummerSlam opponent Seth Rollins came out and reminded everyone that he will reign supreme in the Lumberjack match against the Lunatic Fringe come this Sunday at the Staples Center in Los Angeles.
Dolph Ziggler vs Titus O’Neil
Dolph Ziggler showed he is ready for his Intercontinental Title Match at The Biggest Party of the Summer against The Miz, picking up the victory over Titus O’Neil after hitting the Zig Zag.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler

Mark Henry vs Luke Harper
In the peak of its action, Mark Henry went for the World’s Strongest Slam but was interrupted by Eric Rowan leading to Henry picking up the win as a result of disqualification.
Winner: Mark Henry