
WWE SmackDown Results, December 11th 2018, Latest SmackDown Live winners and video highlights

Daniel Bryan opened the show. He said he called the people sheep last week and that he'd like to apologize...to the sheep because sheep don't harm the environment and leave a carbon footprint. He compared them to parasites instead. The crowd started chanting "Daniel sucks!"

Daniel Bryan was interrupted by 205 Live's Mustafa Ali. He introduced himself for a second and Bryan said "I know who you are. These idiots might not, but I know". Bryan praised Ali and says that he sees a lot of himself in Ali. He even told the Heart of 205 Live that they didn't even need to have a match.

He added that after their match, the people won't care, because too self-absorbed, too xenophobic are greedy consumers. Ali simply responded by asking what happened to him.

Mustafa Ali said that he looked up to Bryan and so did the entire 205 division. He added that he represented a man with heart and would go toe-to-toe against the giants. Bryan asked him what car he drove. Ali, bewildered, told him he drove an SUV. Bryan kicked the mic out of his hand and called him ignorant. He slapped Ali again and he fought back before hitting a moonsault on Bryan outside the ring.

 Daniel Bryan vs Mustafa Ali

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Daniel Bryan started off by cornering Ali and kicking him in the gut. Bryan began systematically tearing him down, attacking his legs and grabbing him by the nose and breaking the hold before the referee's count.

Ali started firing back with kicks to the back. Bryan went outside the ring and Ali hit him with a suicide dive. Corey Graves seemed to hint at Ali moving out of the Cruiserweight division (interpret that as you will).

Back after the break, Ali was wrapped in the Yes Lock. During the commercial, Ali had hit a Spanish fly. Ali managed to escape the Yes lock but Bryan hung him upside down on the turnbuckle and kicked him before hitting a slide tackle. 

Ali missed a 054 splash and Bryan took Ali's legs and slammed it against the turnbuckles. Bryan locked in a heel hook and Ali was forced to tap.

Result: Daniel Bryan def. Mustafa Ali

After the match, Bryan assaulted Ali on the ramp.

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