
WWE SmackDown Results, January 8th 2019, Latest SmackDown Live winners and video highlights

Daniel Bryan was in the venue as SmackDown kicked off and went on a rant about fast food. Bryan took a hot dog from a fan's mouth and then threw it at another fan's face. Bryan called the fans weak, submissive, impotent and demanded that they change themselves. He said AJ Styles filled the void for 30 seconds and that he will tear apart that void. 

Bryan was attacked by R-Truth who came out of nowhere. Bryan was thrown into the barricade, even before their scheduled match started. 

Daniel Bryan vs. R Truth

The New Daniel Bryan made his point very clear
The New Daniel Bryan made his point very clear

It was frantic and fast-paced so far. Truth went for the pinfall after a kick to the face of the champion but Bryan kicked out. Bryan landed a few kicks to the back and sternum of Truth.

Back from the break, R-Truth and Bryan were facing off. R-Truth tried to counter but was stricken down and Bryan landed more kicks; Truth finally countered and landed a jawbreaker, but Bryan once again kicked out. Daniel Bryan landed a running knee and got the pinfall.

Result: Daniel Bryan def. R-Truth

As Bryan made his way to the back, he was attacked by AJ Styles; he was held back by security before Bryan ran away to the locker room. 

Rey Mysterio & Mustafa Ali vs. Samoa Joe & Andrade Cien Almas

Andrade picked up a big win for his team
Andrade picked up a big win for his team

Back from the break, we saw Samoa Joe and Mustafa Ali kicking things off. Samoa Joe tried to dominate but Ali got the counter with a few punches. Joe shoulder barged Ali to the floor and landed punches. 

Ali countered with a dropkick and tagged Mysterio as they double dropkicked. Almas was then tagged in and the two traded fantastic, acrobatic moves. Almas landed a huge kick and went for the pinfall, but Mysterio just kicked out. Joe was tagged in and tossed Mysterio and landed punches before he tagged in Almas once again.

Almas was thrown to the floor, face first by Mysterio as both men were down. Ali was tagged in by Mysterio, he landed a hand scissors takeover, before landing a kick to the face and drove Almas' face to the floor. Almas countered and Joe was tagged in. Ali landed a dropkick on both Joe and Almas; he was caught by Joe on the outside and thrown onto the announce table.

Back from the break, Ali was dangling from the ropes and acrobatically threw Almas; both men were down and looking for a tag. Mysterio was tagged in and the action picked up. He landed a seated senton on Joe and went to work on Almas. Ali landed a 450 on Joe. Ali once again took out Joe and Mysterio went for the 619 but Almas countered and landed a Hammerlock DDT and got the three count. 

Result: Andrade Cien Almas and Samoa Joe def. Rey Mysterio and Mustafa Ali

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