
WWE SmackDown Results: Top champion defeated; Two big returns - Winners, Recap, Grades & Highlights (May 6th, 2022)

SmackDown had some big surprises heading into WrestleMania Backlash Sunday.
SmackDown had some big surprises heading into WrestleMania Backlash Sunday.

The SmackDown before WrestleMania Backlash kicked off with Charlotte Flair, who wanted to redeem herself for failing to beat Aliyah last week. The rematch was set to start but Flair suckered Aliyah in and hit a clothesline and a big boot before the bell.

Cheap shot from @MsCharlotteWWE!

#SmackDown @WWE_Aliyah https://t.co/FPuzYtQVRq

The Queen was beating her opponent up before their match even began and Ronda Rousey showed up at ringside. Flair left Aliyah and started brawling with Rousey before a group of officials came out and separated the two.

Why wait until Sunday?!

#SmackDown #WMBacklash @RondaRousey @MsCharlotteWWE https://t.co/QYYnP85yuJ

Rousey fought her way through the officials before Flair retreated backstage as SmackDown moved on.

WWE SmackDown Results (May 6th, 2022): Sasha Banks vs. Shayna Baszler

What a counter from @QoSBaszler!

#SmackDown @SashaBanksWWE https://t.co/KFLVfis7I0

Sasha Banks started off strong and got a Meteora in before trying to on Shayna Baszler's hands. Baszler took a big slam before Banks locked in a submission hold. Natalya tried to interfere and it let Baszler get a tilt-a-whirl slam on Banks.

Banks sent Baszler outside and hit another Meteora followed by a rolling bulldog. Natalya was taken out with a head scissors from Banks before The Boss caught a big knee to the face in the ring.

Shayna Baszler tried for the pin but it was reversed before Natalya ran a distraction, allowing Baszler to finally get the pin on Sasha Banks.

Result: Shayna Baszler def. Sasha Banks

After the match, Baszler and Natalya attacked the women's tag team champions but Banks and Naomi turned it around before the heels retreated.

The WWE Women's Tag Team Championship will be on the line NEXT WEEK on #SmackDown!

@SashaBanksWWE @NaomiWWE @NatbyNature @QoSBaszler https://t.co/fbQLvHZLXO

Grade: B

Happy Corbin was out for Happy Talk and Madcap Moss showed up on the Titantron to interrupt him. Moss made some jokes at Corbin's expense who said that the former was afraid of saying it to his face.

Looks like Happy Corbin couldn't handle the 🔥🔥🔥 from @MadcapMoss!

@BaronCorbinWWE #SmackDown https://t.co/2pBGb5p4wr

Moss walked out to the ring and stepped inside before making more jokes about Corbin's career and calling him the Big Bald Wolf. Corbin walked out of the ring and retreated as Moss celebrated in the ring and SmackDown moved on.

Drew Gulak vs. GUNTHER on SmackDown

It is NOT looking good for @DrewGulak...

#SmackDown @Gunther_AUT https://t.co/OK8mEgFfIc

Drew Gulak took chop after chop early on before being tossed into the corner. Gulak was set up on the corner when he took more chops and a submission move. GUNTHER locked in the sleeper hold and hit the powerbomb before getting the easy pin.

Result: GUNTHER def. Drew Gulak

Respect will be TAKEN.

#SmackDown @Gunther_AUT https://t.co/3E4kUrbUUD

Grade: C

Shinsuke Nakamura was backstage and said that he had not forgotten about The Bloodline's attack on him and vowed to get revenge on Roman Reigns soon.

"When the time is right, I will get a piece of @WWERomanReigns."

#SmackDown @ShinsukeN @HeymanHustle https://t.co/hfhAXIps5D

The New Day vs. Fight Night - Tables Match on SmackDown


#SmackDown @TrueKofi https://t.co/i816eyFR6v

Sheamus was sent out of the ring early on before Ridge Holland took some big moves in the ring. Outside the ring, The New Day hit Sheamus with a table before setting it up in the ring.

Through the barricade!!! 🤯😱

#SmackDown @TrueKofi @WWESheamus https://t.co/88mp55ClBT

Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston nearly put Holland through the table but Sheamus moved the table before The New Day hit their move. Back outside the ring, Holland was sent into the steel steps after Kingston sidestepped and The Celtic Warrior was sent through the barricades with a big dive.

.@TrueKofi laying it all on the line!

#SmackDown https://t.co/8Gvzj7Dwzg

Back after a break, Kingston got the SOS but took the chops from Sheamus before nearly being put through a table. Woods set up another table in the ring before setting Holland up for a splash through it but Sheamus stopped the move. Kingston took Sheamus out with the trust fall.


#SmackDown https://t.co/W6kTFNSI3D

Sheamus took some big moves from Kingston at ringside before being set up on the announce desk. Butch came out from under the ring and attacked The New Day, letting Sheamus get the Brogue Kick on Woods. The trio dragged Xavier Woods back inside the ring and put him through the table to end the match.

Result: Fight Night def. The New Day


#SmackDown #Butch @WWESheamus @RidgeWWE https://t.co/E3WG8Xtzyg

Grade: B+

Paul Heyman was backstage and ignored the threats from Nakamura before Sami Zayn came out to remind him. Zayn said he will personally take care of Nakamura and wanted Reigns to know he was doing it for The Tribal Chief.

"The Tribal Chief respects and appreciates your initiative." - Paul Heyman to @SamiZayn

@HeymanHustle | #SmackDown https://t.co/NWklFN78IC

We got another episode of Lacey Evans' backstory but this time, she actually walked out on SmackDown.

Welcome back, @LaceyEvansWWE! 💪

#SmackDown https://t.co/iFLuWBgK93

Sami Zayn vs. Shinsuke Nakamura on SmackDown

YeaOH! 👑

#SmackDown @ShinsukeN https://t.co/2g5hZ3GUZb

Sami Zayn started off strong and locked in a hold early on before Shinsuke Nakamura reversed it. Nakamura went for an early Kinshasa but Zayn countered with the Michinoku Driver before we headed for a break on SmackDown.

Back to the match, Nakamura was in control and hit a knee strike to the back of the neck before getting a near fall on Zayn. Nakamura tried for an armbar but Zayn tried to reverse it into a pin.

The Master Strategist is at it again 😑

@SamiZayn #SmackDown https://t.co/hNjJro7BeL

Nakamura took Zayn down and tried for the finisher but the latter ran out of the ring. The Japanese star came in with a big kick and took him down at ringside before taking the Helluva Kick. Nakamura was down and Zayn rushed to beat the count, picking up the win via count-out.

Result: Sami Zayn def. Shinsuke Nakamura via count-out

.@SamiZayn pulls a fast one on @ShinsukeN.

#SmackDown https://t.co/0zCIcG07yf

Grade: B

RK-Bro and Drew McIntyre were out in the ring and they acknowledged each other's talents before deciding to move past their earlier rivalries to focus on Sunday's match against Roman Reigns & The Usos.

"RKMcBro" appears to be on the same page ahead of #WMBacklash!


#SmackDown @RandyOrton @SuperKingofBros @DMcIntyreWWE https://t.co/cXfapD0u6c

The Bloodline walked out and faced off with them in the ring before, inevitably, a brawl broke out. Riddle and Orton were sent outside and The Usos took down McIntyre before Reigns unloaded on him.


#SmackDown https://t.co/a0J8sgAnrR

RK-Bro came back and took out The Usos with RKOs before Drew McIntyre hit the claymore on Roman Reigns to close out the show.

A Claymore connects! 😱

#SmackDown @DMcIntyreWWE @WWERomanReigns @HeymanHustle https://t.co/03vjlYwfCT

Episode rating: B

We got a showdown between Charlotte Flair and Ronda Rousey to kick off SmackDown while Sami Zayn defeated Shinsuke Nakamura on behalf of The Bloodline. We got the return of Lacey Evans while RK-Bro and Drew McIntyre took down The Bloodline on the SmackDown before WrestleMania Backlash.

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