WWE: Unaired and unedited show of Smackdown leaked online

Just a month ago, a WWE Raw script was leaked online which revealed the proceedings and the show plans of April 14.
But now, WWE has been breached further after unaired and unedited videos of Tuesday night Smackdown tapings has been released online. The show which was supposed to air on Friday night, has opened the curtains on how the industry works on its pre-produced segments with unedited noises, missed cues and raw commentary.
The two-part video of the pre-production broadcast was uploaded on Youtube. But it was deleted instantly. Nevertheless, the video was preserved on more secure hosts. You can watch it here.
Notable features from the spoilers include:
- Michael Cole and JBL enter the arena before the show commences. JBL gets a friendly shove from the camera man. Cole says, "I cannot wait until he takes that bump coming down that ramp."
- The actual reactions of the audience can be heard which is later altered by the technicians.
- Vince McMahon is very much involved with the child he created as he and WWE producer Kevin Dunn can be heard in constant conversations with Cole and JBL who are seeking directions through their headsets
- At 1.50 mins, Cole says, "Is he going to introduce Jimmy, since he just did? Chimel just introduced him. Somebody might want to tell him, I don't think he knows." JBL replies, "He doesn't know, he's looking over there like a goof." It was directed towards ring announcer Tony Chimmel after he carelessly introduced Jimmy Hart.
- At 51:52 of the second video, Cole asks McMahon about some talking point, "Do you want me to say that every time, because I've said it a shitload of times tonight." We don't hear Vince's reply, but we do hear Cole's cowed reaction: "OK...yes sir...yes sir...OK, I've got it sir."