WWE star finally bringing his old gimmick back?
WWE has a long list of hits and misses when it comes to gimmicks and Stardust's, unfortunately, falls in the latter category.
Even though Stardust’s effort and dedication towards the gimmick cannot be undermined, it just hasn’t taken off thanks to WWE’s poor booking coupled with irrelevant feuds. For Cody, though, that could all change as the Stardust character might come to an end soon.
Cody took to twitter and in a very straightforward way, mentioned that the gimmick could be history. This is what he tweeted:
It should also be noted that Stardust’s avatar has been blacked out and is not visible. All of these indicators are enough to come to a conclusion that the Cody Rhodes character may be back on WWE TV.
Rhodes is one heck of a talent – both in-ring and on the mic – which makes him one of the most, if not the most underutilised star on the current roster. The WWE Universe would certainly buy into Cody’s return as ‘Cody’ chants have been a norm in almost every Stardust match.
He could easily be slotted into the mid-card title picture and have a decent run with the Intercontinental title or the United states title going forward. Hope this isn't one of the false cryptic tweets and a legit indication that the Cody Rhodes persona is indeed on its way back