
WWE star's wife to get attacked; CM Punk to invade top star's home? & more - 3 directions for Drew McIntyre vs CM Punk heading into Bad Blood 2024

Last week's episode of RAW added a new twist to the CM Punk vs. Drew McIntyre rivalry in WWE. Just when it looked like things had been settled between The Straight Edge Superstar and The Scottish Warrior, the latter launched a ferocious attack on Punk and left him reeling in the ring.

Fresh from their match at Bash in Berlin 2024, CM Punk was in the ring cutting a promo and addressing the crowd about what's next in his career, sending a clear warning to the World Heavyweight Champion, Gunther. Out of nowhere, McIntyre stormed in, unleashing a brutal attack that left Punk crumpled on the mat, requiring immediate medical attention and an ambulance to whisk him away.

Following the intense clash, what lies ahead for their rivalry? Here are three potential paths their feud could take as they approach the Bad Blood Premium Live Event.

#3. CM Punk invades McIntyre's home

Drew McIntyre might address his attack on Punk on this week's episode of RAW. Imagine CM Punk just showing up out of the blue at Drew’s home while the latter is cutting a promo in the ring.

He could leave behind a personal note or throw some shade at his wife, really getting under McIntyre's skin and causing some serious tension for him and his family. This unexpected visit could fuel McIntyre’s grudge against Punk, setting the stage for a super emotional and intense showdown on WWE television.

Punk's move might be seen as a major overstep, especially after McIntyre ripped off his bracelet on RAW. This could set up a storyline where McIntyre has to deal with the personal consequences and the emotional impact on his wife. It would add some layers to McIntyre's character, making the rivalry feel more real and relatable as he balances his professional battles with his personal life.

#2. Drew McIntyre retaliates by attacking CM Punk's wife AJ Lee

The former WWE champion could retaliate by targeting CM Punk's wife, AJ Lee, crossing a significant boundary and intensifying the rivalry to unprecedented heights. This bold move could be depicted as a profoundly personal and startling reaction following Punk's invasion of his home. Fueled by a desire for vengeance, Punk could become even more relentless, setting the stage for an explosive and intensely personal showdown.

This angle could set the stage for AJ Lee’s return to WWE. Her agreeing to the attack could be a way to reintroduce her to the wrestling world, where she might join forces with Punk in his feud with McIntyre.

#1. McIntyre joins the Judgment Day

The Judgment Day needs a formidable member, and McIntyre could be the perfect fit. By joining forces with this faction, he would bring the strength they need. This alliance could lead to a series of brutal attacks on Punk, intensifying the feud and establishing McIntyre and Judgment Day as a dominant force.

This could pave the way for the Second City Saint to seek assistance from Rhea Ripley and Damian Priest. Should The Terror Twins decide to join forces with Punk, they might forge a dynamic new alliance that injects vitality into the ongoing feud. Together, Punk, Ripley, and Priest would present a formidable challenge to McIntyre and Judgment Day, setting the stage for thrilling matchups and captivating storylines as Bad Blood approaches.

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