
WWE stars workout, diet and fitness techniques

Fitness is not just a job requirement for WWE Superstars
Fitness is not just a job requirement for WWE Superstars

Being a pro wrestler is a tough profession, but maintaining a picture perfect body throughout the year while going through extensive touring and dealing with injuries on the side, certainly makes a WWE Superstar’s life difficult.

In modern times, maintaining a godly physique has become even more strenuous than it was in the past, owing to the applicability of Wellness Policy, which bans athletes from using illicit substances to enhance their physiques.

Back in the day, when there were no regulations, Superstars used high dosages of steroids, which helped them to maintain their unearthly physiques, without hampering their general lifestyles.

Superstars now have their diets monitored by a group of skilled professionals, which is contradictory to the eating habits followed the pro wrestlers of the bygone era. Today, pro wrestlers follow an array of training techniques, along with strict diet plans, which even the fans can follow (or at least try to!).

Their workouts vary from yoga dominated regimes like DDP Yoga by Diamond Dallas Page and Stratusphere Yoga by Trish Stratus, to workouts tailored for gaining muscle mass, such as the ones followed by The Rock, John Cena or even Triple H.

CrossFit has also become a recent hit with the Superstars.

Brock Lesnar

Brock Lesnar’s Workout

One of the strongest men to have ever stepped foot in the squared circle
One of the strongest men to have ever stepped foot in the squared circle

To call Brock Lesnar, the Alpha male of WWE, would not be an overstatement. The Beast Incarnate has been one of the most dominant forces of the recent history. A champion in every aspect of combat sports, be it amateur wrestling, pro wrestling or even MMA. Lesnar has done it all.

So the question is, how does the beast manage to stay on top of it all?

As defined by his manager, Paul Heyman, Lesnar is a 'Once Ever' enigma, but much of his success is directly attributable to his insane workout routine.

Read more about Brock Lesnar workout

Brock Lesnar’s Diet

Brock Lesnar used to follow the paleo diet
Brock Lesnar used to follow the paleo diet

Prior to diverticulitis, Brock’s diet was protein dominant. The Beast being a huge fan of hunting believed in eating what he killed. But when diverticulitis struck him, Lesnar had to make major alterations in his eating habits. He needed more fibre in his diet and thereby started eating a lot of green vegetables.

While the disease took a major toll on his health, Lesnar did not lose much size which was the result of maintaining a proper diet.

His on-screen advocate and off-screen friend Paul Heyman told an interesting story about the beast, to find out more about it, take a look at the link below!

Read more about Brock Lesnar diet

Dwyane ‘The Rock’ Johnson

Dwayne The Rock Johnson’s Workout & Diet

The Rock is in amazing shape
The Rock is in amazing shape

The most electrifying man in all of Sports Entertainment is also an animal in the gym. An athlete from the very beginning, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson has always paid special attention to his diet and workouts.

A bona fide action star, Johnson is a beast at the age of 44, and much of it is due to his killer training programme.

For his movie, Hercules, The People's Champion followed a 22-week rigorous workout regime. Right from 4 AM, The Rock starts hustling on the beats of his workout playlist.

After spending around 3 hours in the gym, Johnson consumes up to 5000 calories in a day. He consumes seven meals a day consisting of a complex mixture of protein, carbohydrates and fats.

The Rock also has an indescribable love for pizza, which he relishes on his epic cheat day!

Read more about The Rock’s workout, diet and his love for pizza

John Cena

John Cena’s Workout

John Cena is one of the strongest men in the WWE
John Cena is one of the strongest men in the WWE

The former face that ran the place, John Cena, is inarguably the most decorated name in the history of Sports Entertainment. Even his critics would admit to the brand that Cena has become.

A pioneer of professional wrestling, the former doctor of thuganomics has achieved, what many of his peers could not even dream of attaining.

For more than a decade and a half, Big Match John has been the poster boy of WWE. Regardless of being a polarising figure, Cena has managed to stay at the very top for very long.

A former bodybuilder, Cena takes his workouts very seriously. Despite being on a tight schedule, 365-days in a year, Cena always finds time to visit the gym.

Read more about John Cena workout

John Cena’s Diet

John Cena is a former bodybuilder
John Cena is a former bodybuilder

For John Cena, his diet and workout are equally important. An advocate of aesthetics, Cena learned the ‘eat right train right’ principle very early in his career. While his diet is rich in protein, Cena pays special attention to keeping it well balanced.

His diet plan is ever changing, as he keeps altering his sources of protein albeit it is safe to say that for Cena chicken and vegetables are a staple.

He also supports his diet with supplementation, and indulges in cheat meals, once in a week. Salmon, steak, pizza are some of his favourite foods.

Read more about John Cena diet

Triple H

Triple H’s Workout

Triple H has one of the most phenomenal physiques in wrestling
Triple H has one of the most phenomenal physiques in wrestling

Triple H has been one of the most underrated pro wrestlers of all time. Despite being overshadowed by the likes of Bret Hart, Shawn Micheals, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin and John Cena amongst others, The Game has managed to stay relevant for a career spanning over 20 years!

Even at 47, Triple H can stand toe to toe with any wrestler present on the roster. His extraordinary work rate is a courtesy to his brutal workout regime.

The founder of D-Generation X has always had an incredible physique, and his four-day training routine is a tough act to follow! Also, it must be tough to find a better workout partner than Stephanie McMahon.

Read more about Triple H workout

Seth Rollins

Seth Rollins’ Workout & Diet

Seth Rollins’ workout
Seth Rollins’ workout

It is truly said that a modern day Superstar, trains like one. Seth Rollin follows CrossFit religiously and his chiselled frame is a testament to it.

In his short but fruitful career, Rollins has become a two-time WWE World Heavyweight Champion, a one-time United States Champion, a one-time WWE Tag Team Champion (with Roman Reigns) along with being the 2014 Money in the Bank winner, and the 2015 Superstar of the Year.

He attributes his success to his amazing fitness regime. With a distinctive style of working out, ‘The Man’ has guaranteed the longevity of his career inside the squared circle.

When it comes to his diet, Rollins follows the mantra of ‘discipline when necessary and indulgence when appropriate.’

A heavy meat eater, Rollins loves to have his fair share of decadent meals. Despite all that, Rollins avoids fast food chains and chooses to go for healthier options while being on the road.

Read more about Seth Rollins workout and diet

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