
WWE Stomping Grounds 2019: 4 Potential finishes for Becky Lynch vs Lacey Evans - Raw Women's Championship 

Who will come out on top at Stomping Grounds?
Who will come out on top at Stomping Grounds?

Stomping Grounds looks to be a pay-per-view stacked with rematches since Becky Lynch and Lacey Evans already went one-on-one for the Raw Women's Championship back at Money in the Bank. Evans put on the best match of her career but was unable to take the title from around the waist of The Man, so she decided to help Charlotte Flair take her SmackDown Women's Championship instead.

Lacey Evans and Becky Lynch have had an interesting back and forth over the past few weeks with news that WWE wants Evans to be pushed to the main event level of the Women's Division, which could be why she has been able to challenge for the Raw Women's Championship once again.

As ever, there are a number of potential finishes for this match, but which one is the most likely to go down on Sunday night?

#4 Lacey Evans becomes Raw Women's Champion

Will Lacey Evans finally lift gold in WWE?
Will Lacey Evans finally lift gold in WWE?

Many members of the WWE Universe believed that Lacey Evans would walk out of Money in the Bank with the Raw Women's Championship, but interestingly it was Charlotte that was able to dethrone the Champion instead.

Perhaps last month's pay-per-view was too early for Evans to achieve her dream of running the Women's Division and showing the women in the locker room how a real lady conducts herself, but Stomping Grounds could be a different story.

Evans continues to impress with her unique character and in-ring ability and it's easy to see that she's shown improvement with every match that she's been part of over the past month, so this could finally be the time that Lynch is dethroned as the RawWomen's Champion and the era of The Sassy Southern Belle can then begin.

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