
WWE Superstar The Miz talks about his honeymoon and plans for WrestleMania XXX

The Miz gets married to former WWE Diva Maryse.

- The Miz: WWE Superstar The Miz in a recent interview talks about how after his marriage to former Diva Maryse, which took place in Bahamas last week, he spent the honeymoon at WWE Elimination Chamber. He worked the pre-show panel at the Elimination Chamber. He also spoke about wanting a spot at the coveted WrestleMania XXX.

“My honeymoon was in the Elimination Chamber,” said Mizanin.

“You always try to find your way into that main event category. It’s a little bit of everything (to get there). It’s doing everything the WWE needs to do, and hopefully the fans catch on and say, ‘Hey, this guy works harder than anybody. This guy has the talent and the ability, whether it’s on the microphone or in the ring.’”

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