
WWE Survivor Series- Ronda Rousey vs Becky Lynch: Who should win vs Who will win

Both Women's Champions set to collide at Survivor Series
Both Women's Champions set to collide at Survivor Series

On October 29, 2018, WWE confirmed that the Raw and Smackdown Women's Champions would collide in an inter-brand match-up at Survivor Series.

On the past episode of Raw, hailing from Manchester, England, Raw Women's Champion, Ronda Rousey cut an impassioned promo on Smackdown Women's Champion, Becky Lynch as she explained that she loved Lynch's new attitude but insisted the Smackdown title holder would need much more if she is to overcome her in the ring.

Rousey listed all of her Olympic, MMA and WWE credentials before signing off that Lynch will end Survivor Series as her b**ch.

Lynch responded with an even better promo where she ran down Rousey's achievements and told her that she was coming to break Rousey's arm.

The set up has been nicely done thus far and next week's episodes of Raw and Smackdown will surely see a physical altercation of some kind between the two women, to intensify the heat for what is ostensibly a non-title altercation with nothing more than pride on the line.

Added to the lack of gold at stake, the bout is a risk for WWE. Despite turning her heel, fans have loudly cheered Lynch, in spite of her snide comments and dastardly deeds. Rousey, up to this point has been eliciting the desired reaction from the WWE Universe but up against, the ever popular, Lynch, could a fan backlash begin to occur?

WWE will surely hope not, but unless they book the match to be as competitive as possible, then they run the risk of their fan-base turning on their biggest star.

All of these factors combine to make for a fascinating encounter on offer at Survivor Series. Who will win the battle of Champions? Who should win?

SK investigates the possibilities in the following slideshow.

Who Should Win? Becky Lynch

Becky Lynch: Enjoying the best run of her career
Becky Lynch: Enjoying the best run of her career

There is no one hotter in WWE right now. The reigning Smackdown Women's Champion, Becky Lynch is on a roll of her career with her new, more aggressive character.

Lynch, with Charlotte Flair, put on perhaps the greatest WWE main roster Women's match of all time at Evolution and will be looking to put something impressive together with the star of the entire Women's division in Ronda Rousey.

She will. The bout will be a success. As Rousey's most experienced opponent to date, Lynch will be eager to prove that she is the premier female performer in the company by leading Rousey to a classic bout.

Following Summerslam, Lynch has been on point on the microphone and in the ring, completely overshadowing Flair, who has long been pegged as one half of the Wrestlemania 35 main event. So strong have Lynch's performances been that WWE may be forced to rearrange their deck chairs in time for the big show.

Lynch has been on so great of a roll, that it makes little sense to throw that away now.

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