
10 worst things about this week's Raw

Stephanie tried her best to enliven this show

This week’s Raw is one of the most boring Raws in recent history. What promised to be a great watch half an hour into the show, turned into a total nightmare as it slowly progressed further and further. Around the two hour mark, the show was sending people into their sleep slowly but surely. Instead of being an exciting watch, this week’s Raw turned out to be a lullaby sung by WWE for its fans.

Among the surplus of unbearable things that occurred on Raw, we take a look at the ten things that stood out sorely n this week’s edition’s programming.

#10 Please be clear at least on paper

For fans watching Raw, WWE served a head scratcher just as we headed into the third hour of the programming. Del Rio, who was supposed to be Sheamus’ partner, turned on him and left him hanging dry and at the mercy of their opponents during tag team action.

Normally, this would have been a pleasant or shocking surprise for a fan. But this time, it was nothing but a head scratcher. Both Del Rio and Sheamus are heels and they both have separate feuds going on for each other. So, this decision to make Del Rio turn on Sheamus stood out sorely. WWE needs to be clear on who is a heel and a babyface at least on paper.

The only reason this has got such a low spot is that there are worse things than this up on the list.

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