The Voices of WWE: Rating The Top 10 WWE Commentators of All-Time
Every story needs a narrator and every televised sporting event needs play-by-play commentary. Professional wrestling is a mixture of sports, theater and storytelling. With this being said, commentary is a vital component to the success of any televised wrestling event. The commentator familiarizes you with all the aspects of what is going on in front of you. They are not only responsible for introducing you to the performers involved in the match but also explaining the overall storyline and what events have led us to the match we are currently watching. Commentators must tell a story, and complete story of good versus evil, in an effort to cause you to invest yourself mentally and emotionally, pulling you into the storyline and leaving you anxious for more.
Since the advent of television, commentary roles have been an intricate part of the overall quality of sports and sports entertainment. The thought of watching a three-hour Monday Night Raw, without commentary, is almost laughable. There have been some good commentators, there have been some not-so-good commentators and there have been great commentators. In this particular article, we will be focusing on the all-time great commentators who have, at one time or another, been behind a WWE/WWF announcers table. This is the top 10 WWE commentators of all-time.