
WWE Top Five Rumors of the week and analysis: March 5, 2017

Angle to be GM?

WWE was busy with the last minute preparations for Fastlane throughout the week and it has resulted in some huge excitement around the pay-per-view. The rumour mill spoke of potential winners, returns and much more that could happen at the show.

We will be filtering out the Fastlane based rumours for the time being and focus on other speculation that poked up. Speaking of which, there were talks of the rumoured return of Hardy Brothers, a potential reunion and much more. The list takes a closer look at the rumours and their potential impact.

#5 The Hardyz to join the WWE?

New twist in the Hardy saga

Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy are expected to sign with the WWE soon after their talks with Impact wrestling reportedly broke down. The Broken Hardys, who have been a mainstay in Impact Wrestling for some time, apparently wanted creative control in the promotion to re-sign.

Cageside Seats reported that the promotion was not ready to give the same and this, in turn, has resulted in a possible split between the two parties.

If this is indeed the case, WWE would be the prime destination for Matt and Jeff. Last week, there were rumours of the brothers showing up at WrestleMania 33 and now, with the contract talks with TNA in the water, the return is more likely to happen.

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