
5 ways the WWE women could make history in 2022

The women of WWE are making history every step of the way
The women of WWE are making history every step of the way

Since its inception, WWE has predominantly been a male-dominated industry. People flocked to arenas and TV screens to watch their favorite buffed-up dudes batter the ever-loving hell out of each other. Anything else was considered bathroom break material.

Unfortunately, one of those bathroom break times was when women stepped into the ring to wrestle. Women’s wrestling was looked down upon and shunned, with many talented female wrestlers not getting a chance to showcase their abilities and talents.

But times have changed since then, and now women find themselves with renewed exposure and positive responses from fans. They have proven time and again that they are just as talented as their male counterparts. With backing from the company and from fans, they are creating history every year.

And as the Women's division in WWE gathers momentum, it is important not to restrict the ‘history-making’ process to just premium live events and multiple top stars vying for championships. Much more can be achieved by the ultra-talented bunch to put women’s wrestling well and truly in the same bracket as the men’s version.

Here are five ways in which WWE women can continue to make history and scale new heights in 2022.

#5 Have more premium live events like Evolution

You heard right! The first-ever ALL-WOMEN'S PAY-PER-VIEW event comes your way October 28...marking the next chapter in @WWE's Women's EVOLUTION! https://t.co/Uvp9b3qFjB

Evolution was a premium live event where only the WWE women competed. It debuted to critical acclaim, and any doubts as to whether it would sell tickets and draw interest evaporated the second the show kicked off.

The event showed that interest in women’s wrestling was present in significant amounts. As a result, such a premium live event could be made into an annual feature that lets the WWE women wrestle their hearts out and entertain in the ring.

It could also allow women who aren’t extensively featured on the weekly shows to shine and showcase their abilities. With such a diverse roster, WWE would be wise to invest in such a venture.

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