
WWE WrestleMania 33: 5 Potential shocks that can happen in Goldberg (c) vs. Brock Lesnar (w/Paul Heyman)

Two Goliaths will clash at WrestleMania 33 in Orlando.

Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar is perhaps the most anticipated match on the WrestleMania 33 card. While there may be some deeper storylines set to play out, such as Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orton or Triple H vs. Seth Rollins, this is the match that will captivate all fans, hardcore and casual.

Goldberg vs. Lesnar is a story that could have easily been left in the past. After their horrific match at WrestleMania XX, it seemed pretty likely that we’d never see these two face off ever again. 

But here we are 13 years later, March of 2017, and we’re preparing to see their second encounter in a matter of five months, not including the Royal Rumble.

This match is going to be a spectacle regardless of how it plays out, but there are definitely some things that could add some extra spice to this highly-anticipated bout. WWE are no strangers to run-ins, faulty finishes, or matches that go on for way longer or shorter than expected (looking at you, Goldberg vs. Brock at Survivor Series).

So what are some possible surprises that could take place when the two clash in Orlando on April 2nd?

#5 Goldberg wins in another squash match

Goldberg spears Brock Lesnar en route to his one minute 26-second Survivor Series victory

Golberg vs. Lesnar at Survivor Series gave us one of the biggest surprises of 2016. Heading into the match, it seemed tough to imagine that Goldberg would win. After all, he had been WWE’s unstoppable beast for so long, what were the odds he would lose to a 50-year-old who hadn’t stepped into a ring in over 12 years?

Well, not only did Goldberg win, he dominated. He put Lesnar down in a mere minute and 26 seconds. And then at the Royal Rumble, he did it again, eliminating Lesnar less than 30 seconds after he entered the ring.

Heading into WrestleMania, Lesnar getting some revenge seems like the most likely scenario. But fans were shocked at Survivor Series and somewhat shocked again at the Royal Rumble, so who’s to say we won’t be shocked again?

It might seem stupid to call it a shock when Goldberg dominating Lesnar has happened twice in five months, but the reason people generally aren’t expecting this to happen is because the act may get stale if booked this way for a third time. 

Goldberg squashing Lesnar again can’t be ruled out, but it would definitely qualify as a surprise.

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