
WWE WrestleMania 35: 5 ways Ronda Rousey vs. Charlotte Flair vs. Becky Lynch could end

Could the Four Horsewomen of MMA invade the main roster?
Could the Four Horsewomen of MMA invade the main roster?

We are only days removed from the biggest match in women's wrestling. Perhaps ever. From being relegated to being nothing but a sideshow in the days of yore, they have now earned the main event spot. And few can dispute that they are extremely worthy of such a role.

But a match with so much hype around it also needs to end on the right note, for fans to truly remember and cherish it for life. In this article, I will suggest 5 ways this humongous contest can potentially come to a fitting finale. As always, I invite all comments and criticism you want to throw my way.

Just remember that while some may quite rightfully consider WrestleMania the end of a chapter, a brand new storyline commences on the night that follows. And so, the narrative must continue in the days that follow too.

These are a few scenarios that I can think of...

#5 Charlotte Flair wins clean

Many fans believe that Charlotte Flair shouldn't have been in this match to begin with. Like it or not, nobody in the company can generate the kind of heat that The Queen does, every time she steps out to compete within the squared circle. And this is why Charlotte Flair is thrust into so many championship opportunities, time after time.

But it is not the only reason, by a long shot. Charlotte Flair is absolutely incredible in the ring, and her own father, who's considered to be the greatest sports entertainer in history has said that she can do things that he never really could. Is it any wonder why she's the most decorated female Superstar in history?

Could WrestleMania end with Flair holding both belts aloft, drowned in a million boos? It certainly could.

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