
WWE Wrestlemania 35: Five Reasons Vince McMahon Suspended Becky Lynch On Raw This Week

And just like that. Vince McMahon changes everything!
And just like that. Vince McMahon changes everything!

Well, that was out of nowhere.

While Becky Lynch's run as The Man has finally reached the feverish-pitch it always deserved to have, it may have just come at the expense of angering everyone in The WWE Universe off. In fact, with Vince McMahon's controversial announcement on Raw this week, one has to imagine there will be grave consequences for the company.

In all honesty, WWE made a very controversial decision to remove Becky Lynch from the match and while it is supposed to solicit an oh-my-god type reaction, it honestly feels like the company may have gone too far with this one. Whether that turns out to be true remains to be seen and will depend on what the company does going forward, but the crowd didn't really seem into it.

With that being said and the decision made to remove Becky Lynch from The Raw Women's title match at WrestleMania 35, here are five reasons WWE made the decision they ultimately did.

As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments below and be sure to tell us what you think of Lynch getting suspended.

#5 Get fans firmly behind Becky Lynch

If you weren't behind Becky Lynch before, its time to do so now
If you weren't behind Becky Lynch before, its time to do so now

If nothing else, Vince McMahon's decision to take Becky Lynch out of the Raw Women's title match at WrestleMania 35 and replace her with Charlotte Flair did two things. The first thing it did was set up Vince McMahon up as the ultimate villain, more on that later, but it also allows The WWE Universe to get firmly behind Becky Lynch

Beyond that, it set a firm line that basically elevates Becky Lynch to a Stone Cold Steve Austin type persona, which is only going to be interesting to watch play out over the next couple weeks. In the end, it may not be the development that The WWE Universe wanted in regards to the big title match, but it may be worth the payoff at the end of the day.

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