
WWE WrestleMania 39 Night 1 Results: 2 title changes; Popular YouTuber shows up to assist Logan Paul - Winners, Recap, Grades, and Highlights

The Miz and Snoop Dogg kicked off Night 1 of WrestleMania 39, and they hyped the show before we headed to the first match.

#WrestleMania Saturday welcomes @mikethemiz & @SnoopDogg!

The atmosphere truly is AWESOME!!! https://t.co/p06HyLCcoC

WWE WrestleMania 39 Night 1 Results (April 2, 2023): Austin Theory (c) vs. John Cena - United States Championship match

The power of @JohnCena's #WrestleMania entrance alongside these @MakeAWish kids is a dream come true. ❤️ https://t.co/05ZLCIrj0b

The match started slowly and Cena got the first takedown and locked in a headlock but Theory bit his ear to break the hold. Theory got some big moves in but missed a dropkick and got caught in the STF.

#USChampion @_Theory1 fights DIRTY against @JohnCena at #WrestleMania! https://t.co/jOgKZvFgit

Theory bit Cena again to get out of the hold before countering the Attitude Adjustment into a DDT. Cena got the takedown and hit the Five Knuckle Shuffle, but Theory knocked the ref down before Cena locked in the STF.

Vintage @JohnCena submits #USChampion @_Theory1 at #WrestleMania ... but the referee didn't see it! https://t.co/cszCK5opBv

Theory tapped out, and Cena let go of the hold, but the ref failed to see it. Austin hit a low blow before the ref got up and took Cena down with the A-Town Down for the win.

Result: Austin Theory def. John Cena to retain the United States Championship


@_Theory1 successfully retains the #USTitle against @JohnCena at #WrestleMania! #AndStill https://t.co/V2iX4eEHe8

Grade: B+

Braun Strowman & Ricochet vs. Street Profits vs. Viking Raiders vs. Alpha Academy at WrestleMania 39

Ricochet and Gable kicked off the match, and Otis tagged in early on. Braun came in, and we got a big showdown in the middle of the ring with all the teams starting a brawl. The Vikings hit Ricochet with a double-team move before getting the Ragnarok on Ford.

What a #WrestleMania feat of strength by @WWEGable! 😲😲😲 https://t.co/cMIq76557p

Strowman came back and took out the Raiders before Gable managed to get a German suplex on Braun. Otis got the World's Strongest Slam on Braun as well before we got a six-man Tower of Doom spot with Riochet diving onto the superstars.

EVERYONE felt that one!!!

#WrestleMania https://t.co/ZYVouJr9lj

Ricochet got a big shooting star to the outside before sending Dawkins into the ring for the 450 Splash. Dawkins got his knees up, and Ford came in with the frog splash on top of Dawkins and Riochet before they picked up the win.

Result: Street Profits def. Viking Raiders, Alpha Academy, Braun Strowman & Ricochet

What a match!

@AngeloDawkins & @MontezFordWWE are victorious in the Men's #WrestleMania Showcase Fatal 4-Way Tag Team Match! https://t.co/bwjMAthLZ8

Grade: A

We saw Xavier Woods in a promo for the new WWE video game before heading for the hype reel for Rollins vs. Logan Paul.

Seth Rollins vs. Logan Paul at WrestleMania 39

What a #WrestleMania entrance for the birthday boy @LoganPaul! https://t.co/IPY0KlsvQS

After two very elaborate entrances, the match kicked off, and Rollins was sent outside early on before he came back and unloaded on Paul. Logan tried for some submission moves before getting punched in the ear. Paul got a gut-wrench suplex before missing a big dive from the top rope.

#WrestleManiia DRIP!

@WWERollins https://t.co/q1iTJBV537

Rollins sent Logan outside before getting three big dives. Back in the ring, Logan managed to get a right hook, but Rollins kicked out. Rollins was about to get the stomp, but the Prime energy drink mascot dragged Paul outside to save him.

It's @KSI!!!!

#WrestleMania https://t.co/OCjQbmExul

The mascot turned out to be YouTuber KSI, and the distraction allowed Paul to send Rollins into the ring post. Logan set Rollins up on the announcers' desk but as Paul hit the dive, Seth dragged KSI in the way and got away himself.

A @PrimeHydrate #WrestleMania Moment!

Thanks to @WWERollins, @LoganPaul just frog splashed @KSI through a table! https://t.co/Us1Dt7QvQ3

Back in the ring, Paul got a GTS and a Frog Splash for a near fall before Rollins countered a coast-to-coast with a superkick. Rollins followed up with the stomp before getting the win.

Result: Seth Rollins def. Logan Paul

An unbelievable SUPERKICK by @WWERollins at #WrestleMania! https://t.co/MJ7DZ6t7Vs

Grade: A-

Becky Lynch, Lita & Trish Stratus vs. Damage CTRL at WrestleMania 39

#DamageCTRL is relentless at #WrestleMania! https://t.co/DmXEsu5ySL

A brawl broke out before the match, and the champs and Trish sent Damage CTRL out of the ring before Becky hit a baseball slide and brought Dakota back to the ring. Becky and Dakota kicked off the match, and IYO was tagged in early on before she got a flying crossbody for a near fall.

Lita knocked Dakota off the apron and tagged in before taking Sky out with a Rana. Iyo was driven into the ring post before taking the Vertigo for a near fall. The official was distracted when Kai got a cheap shot to send Lita off the top rope. Bayley came in and took Lita into the corner, where they isolated her.

Behold the brilliant teamwork by @trishstratuscom, @BeckyLynchWWE & @AmyDumas at #WrestleMania! 👏👏👏 https://t.co/c2g7GeSMNe

Trish was tagged in as she took out both Iyo and Bayley before Kai countered a big move and Stratus was dropped on the apron. Becky and Lita came in and helped Stratus take Kai down before assisting Lita with the Poetry in Motion in the ring.

Becky got the Dis-arm-her on Kai, but Bayley broke it up. Bayley got the rose plant on Lynch for a near fall before Trish took the Bayley to belly. The superstars ended up outside before Iyo took them all out with a moonsault.

Another brawl broke out between the two teams before Iyo took the Twist of Fate and the Litasault. Becky got the Manhandle slam on Bayley from the ropes and picked up the win.

Result: Becky Lynch, Lita & Trish Stratus def. Damage CTRL

Congratulations to @trishstratuscom and the WWE Women's Tag Team Champions @BeckyLynchWWE & @AmyDumas!

#WrestleMania https://t.co/r03x2Sr2Sx

Grade: B

Rey Mysterio vs. Dominik Mysterio at WrestleMania 39

Just when @reymysterio gets some payback in this match, @DomMysterio35 does something even worse!

#WrestleMania https://t.co/Dpb6Rz5q1p

Bad Bunny was at the announcers' desk and Dominik started off strong with a big Belly to belly suplex early on before Rey sent him outside. Rey got a big Rana before Dom slapped him in the face before the Hall of Famer sent Dom into the corner and unloaded on him.

Back inside, Rey got a sunset flip bomb before getting a near fall. Priest and Balor came out at ringside and Dominik sent Rey into the corner before getting a reverse powerbomb.


#WrestleMania https://t.co/pdaKLcVuf1

Dom missed the Three Amigos and Rey got a 619 before Balor distracted the ref and Priest sent Rey crashing off the ropes. Legado del Fantasma came out to defend Rey and Santos Escobar wiped out Priest while the Legado went after Balor.

Thank you @sanbenito!!!

#WrestleMania https://t.co/CnCACLURRF

In the ring, Dom got a near fall off a 619 and a frog splash before he undid the top turnbuckle. He now grabbed a steel chain from Damian Priest and was about to attack his father, but Bad Bunny grabbed the chain!

Rey dropicked Dominik from behind and hit a 619 before getting the Frog Splash for the win.

Result: Rey Mysterio def. Dominik Mysterio


What a #WrestleMania weekend for @reymysterio! https://t.co/7xiT3yCrMJ

Grade: B+

Charlotte (c) vs Rhea Ripley SmackDown Women's Championship

#SmackDown Women's Champion @MsCharlotteWWE & @RheaRipley_WWE clash on the Grandest Stage of Them All!

#WrestleMania https://t.co/GfMDTsVm30

Charlotte was in control early on but Rhea tried to get back with a series of strikes before sending the champ into the turnbuckles. Charlotte fired back with chops and tried for the Figure Four Leglock before countering a Riptide with a DDT.

Charlotte failed to lock the Figure Four before both of them took each other down with big boots. Ripley got a big German Suplex from the ropes before taking the Natural Selection. Charlotte missed a spear at ringside before they traded some German Suplexes in the ring.

What a counter by @RheaRipley_WWE in this #SmackDown #WomensTitle Match! 😲😲😲😲😲

#WrestleMania https://t.co/RXkrjnvKUi

Charlotte tried for a spear but accidentally took out the ref before Ripley managed to get a Riptide for a near fall. Ripley went for the sharpshooter before Charlotte broke out and hit the spear.

We got a big showdown with both women raining punches down on each other before Charlotte dragged Rhea to the ropes but went face-first into the top of the ring post. Rhea managed to hit the Riptide from the top and got the win!

Result: Rhea Ripley def. Charlotte to become the new SmackDown Women's Champion

We have a NEW #SmackDown Women's Champion at #WrestleMania!

Congratulations to @RheaRipley_WWE! https://t.co/Mr0udhoYJP

Grade: A

The Miz and Snoop Dogg were back and they were wondering why no one took up Miz's open challenge for tonight. Pat McAfee showed up and said that this challenge never existed and offered to face him right there.

He's baaaaaaaaaack!

@PatMcAfeeShow is here at #WrestleMania and he wants a match RIGHT NOW! https://t.co/0ZTiqiSBuf

Miz tried to weasel his way out of the match but Pat made a tiny balls joke before he was forced to accept. Snoop Dogg officiated the match, and we went straight for it.


@SnoopDogg just made @PatMcAfeeShow vs. @mikethemiz at #WrestleMania happen! https://t.co/BXb4wk6ioQ

The Miz vs. Pat McAfee at WrestleMania 39

The Miz was trying to argue with Snoop about calling off the match, but Pat went after him and got some strikes and a spinebuster. The two got on the ropes and Miz hit a dive, but Pat caught him with a superkick.

The duo of @PatMcAfeeShow & @gkittle46 just took down @mikethemiz at #WrestleMania!!! https://t.co/BsMmOsZBfL

Miz tried to walk out of the match and attacked a booing fan who turned out to be George Kittle of the 49ers and took Miz out with a clothesline. Pat came in with a big dive to the outside and dragged Miz back in for a Punt kick before getting the win.

Result: Pat McAfee def. The Miz

Grade: C

The Usos (c) vs. Sami Zayn & Kevin Owens - Undisputed Tag Team Title match at WrestleMania 39


@SamiZayn and @FightOwensFight are here at #WrestleMania and READY! https://t.co/3YQSpljCXO

Jey and Sami kicked off the match, and the latter was sent outside early on before Jey drove him into the ring post. Jimmy came in on the apron for a cheap shot kick to the head while the ref was looking away, and Sami was in trouble.

Owens got the tag and took out Jimmy at ringside with a splash from the apron before getting a near fall on Jey in the ring. Sami got a big brainbuster on Jey on the apron while KO got the Swanton on Jimmy in the ring for a near fall.

As @SamiZayn delivers the hot tag, @FightOwensFight is ALL kinds of fired up here!

#WrestleMania https://t.co/e36wooO7pz

Sami hit the Blue Thunder Bomb but took a kick to the head as Jey tagged back in and the Usos hit multiple superkicks to the head of Zayn. Owens broke up the 1D and dragged Jimmy outside but the Jey came out and the Usos powerbombed him through the announce desk.

Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions @WWEUsos drove @FightOwensFight through the announce table at #WrestleMania! https://t.co/hRcytCmf7q

The Usos hit the 1D on Sami in the ring but Zayn managed to kick out. Sami was taking a beating and took a Helluva Kick from Jey before hitting an exploder into the corner out of nowhere.

Owens was back on the apron and Sami got the tag before both Usos were hit with powerbombs. Sami hit Jimmy with the helluva and KO got the stunner on Jey before getting a near fall.

That was INSANE!!!

#WrestleMania https://t.co/UwM6VIVtA7

The Usos recovered and got superkicks before they got the double splash on KO but he still kicked out! Owens caught Jey with a big top-rope suplex before Sami came in with two Helluva Kick and a stunner from KO. Sami got a third Helluva kick and picked up the win for his team!

Result: Sami Zayn & Kevin Owens def. The Usos to become the new Undisputed Tag Team Champions

Grade: A

Show rating: A

We got some great matches on Night 1 of WrestleMania 39 as well as a big title change. Pat McAfee came out for a surprise match while we got appearances from the likes of KSI and Bad Bunny.

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