
WWE WrestleMania 39 Night 2 Results: Legend botches return match; Hall of Famer steals the Rock's finisher - Winners, Recap, Grades and Highlights

Night 2 of WWE WrestleMania 39 kicked off with The Miz and Snoop Dogg welcoming the crowd and hyping the matches on the card tonight. Omos made his entrance shortly after, and we headed for the first match.


LET'S GO!!!!!!

#WrestleMania https://t.co/T0hUYRFHMq

WWE WrestleMania 39 Night 2 Results: Brock Lesnar vs. Omos

What a way to kick off #WrestleMania Sunday! https://t.co/1qiGZIAT87

Omos tossed Brock around the ring early in the match and got a bearhug locked in before dropping The Beast in the corner. Brock was caught in a second bearhug but managed to fight out of it before taking a chokeslam for a near fall.

Welcome to Suplex City, @TheGiantOmos!

#WrestleMania https://t.co/5re8QvzPug

Brock managed to sidestep a big tackle and hit three German Suplexes but failed to get the F5. Brock lifted Omos a second time and finally hit the F5 before getting the surprisingly quick win.

Result: Brock Lesnar def. Omos at WrestleMania

THE BEAST has been UNLEASHED at #WrestleMania! https://t.co/P8cSaPmPML

Grade: B+

Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez vs. Natalya & Shotzi vs. Ronda Rousey & Shayna Baszler vs. Chelsea Green & Sonya Deville at WrestleMania 39

Which team will win the Women's #WrestleMania Showcase Fatal 4-Way Tag Team Match tonight? https://t.co/LnAci2pZAN

Liv and Sonya kicked off the match and Natalya was tagged in early on with Morgan in trouble. Raquel got the tag and tried for a powerbomb, but Nattie reversed it. Natalya took a big boot and instantly tagged Green in.

Green hesitated but came in with a missile dropkick, but Raquel shrugged it off before Sonya came in for a double-team move. Shotzi and Baszler were tagged in before Shayna sent Shotzi outside but took an assisted powerbomb from Raquel.

It's a @NatbyNature showcase at #WrestleMania! https://t.co/uwCXNmvEN1

The superstars ended up outside, and Raquel powerbombed Liv out of the ring and onto the rest. Sonya and Green cleared the ring, but Shotzi and Natalya came in and took them down. Natalya slammed Green on top of Deville before getting a double sharpshooter on them.

Double Sharpshooter!!

@NatbyNature 💗

#WrestleMania https://t.co/ioRWafkCqf

Morgan came in with a dive and broke the hold before getting the codebreaker and Oblivion on Shotzi. We saw a flurry of tags before Ronda got the armbar on Shotzi and made her tap out.

Result: Ronda Rousey & Shayna Baszler def. Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez, Natalya & Shotzi, Chelsea Green & Sonya Deville at WrestleMania

MMA pioneers win as a tag team at WrestleMania 🤝

@RondaRousey 😤
@QoSBaszler ♠️

#WrestleMania https://t.co/AEh4dietjP

Grade: A-

Bobby Lashley was out next to celebrate his win at the Andre the Giant Battle Royal before WrestleMania 39 continued.

Gunther (c) vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Sheamus - Intercontinental Title match at WrestleMania 39


#WrestleMania https://t.co/1icbsWk5de

Gunther tried to get Sheamus and Drew to take each other out, but Drew hit a Claymore on the champ instead to send him outside before going after Sheamus. Drew and Sheamus were brawling before Gunther came back and sent McIntyre outside before nearly chopping the life out of Sheamus.

These #WrestleMania CHOPS are absolutely brutal! 😲😲😲 https://t.co/OCOZyC4uBh

Gunther locked in a hold, but Drew came back and kicked him before they traded some earth-shattering chops. Sheamus joined in on the chopfest before they locked Gunther on the ropes and double-teamed the Beats of the Bodhran.

THIS IS AWE-SOME!!! 👏👏 👏👏👏

#WrestleMania https://t.co/ClJlhM2v1e

Once Gunther was knocked out, Sheamus then hit 29 chops on Drew using the ropes. Gunther came back with a big boot and got a near fall before Drew stepped in with the Future Shock DDT. Gunther dodged the Claymore and hit the powerbomb for another near fall.

Sheamus was SO close! 😲

#WrestleMania https://t.co/xnoDnFnA2I

Sheamus got the White Noise from the second rope on the champ and then the Crucifix Bomb. Sheamus hit knees on both opponents before Drew broke up a near fall. Drew elbowed Sheamus off the apron and hit a big dive to the outside!

Welcome to BANGER-Mania!

#WrestleMania https://t.co/c7jedoI0UO

McIntyre missed the Claymore and took the Brogue kick but managed to kick out. Drew came back with the Claymore before Gunther powerbombed Sheamus onto Drew. He then hit a powerbomb on McIntyre as well before picking up the win.

Sums it up perfectly.

#WrestleMania https://t.co/sGO5cdo7OB

Result: Gunther def. Drew McIntyre & Sheamus to retain the Intercontinental Title at WrestleMania

As clean as a whistle 😳

@Gunther_AUT becomes the first man since Damian Priest back in August 2021 to pin Drew McIntyre with no help or shenanigans.


#WrestleMania https://t.co/Lkh3bRTmIz

Grade: A

Bianca Belair (c) vs. Asuka - RAW Women's Championship match at WrestleMania 39

#WWERaw Women's Champion @BiancaBelairWWE is looking ready for @WWE_Asuka at #WrestleMania! https://t.co/tPnUBBAxiD

Bianca started off strong and sent Asuka into the corner before raining down strikes. Asuka blocked a superplex but took an awkward powerbomb before Belair got a near fall. Asuka tried for the Asuka Lock, but Bianca managed to roll outside.

Whatever it takes!

@BiancaBelairWWE @WWEAsuka #WrestleMania https://t.co/oMVdttAJiq

Belair hit a powerbomb on the floor before heading back inside, and Asuka hit a big missile dropkick. Asuka dropkicked the champ into the ring post before Belair got a big suplex from the ropes.

By any means necessary, @WWEAsuka 😏

#WrestleMania https://t.co/rHgGYYyjsm

Bianca got a running blockbuster and a springboard moonsault before Asuka came back with a big knee strike. Asuka blocked a KOD from the middle rope before getting a codebreaker.

#WWERaw Women's Champion @BiancaBelairWWE & @WWE_Asuka bring their very best at #WrestleMania! https://t.co/CoW3qIQZCT

Asuka blocked the KOD before trying for the mist, but Belair dodged it. Asuka blocked yet another KOD and locked in an armbar before the champ managed to lift her up and finally hit the KOD for the win.

Result: Bianca Belair def. Asuka to retain the RAW Women's Championship at WrestleMania

You can't spell WrestleMania without EST 🏆

@BiancaBelairWWE 🙌

#WrestleMania https://t.co/iSFPudRM6Q

Grade: B+

The Miz and Snoop Dogg were out again, with the A-Lister complaining about last night's impromptu match that ruined his suit. He was mad at Snoop for making the match, but Shane McMahon made his return, and Miz was not happy about it.


@shanemcmahon IS BACK!!!!

🤑 🤑 🤑 🤑 🤑

#WrestleMania https://t.co/JVnXkivp4V

We headed for another surprise match, and Miz was still in denial as Shane started raining fists on him. Shane went down after hurting his knee before Snoop came back and punched Miz in the face.


@SnoopDogg introduces @shanemcmahon at #WrestleMania! https://t.co/BbcL8HL9C1

Snoop was mad that Miz hurt Shane and threw another punch before getting the People's Elbow and picking up the win on behalf of Shane.

Hey @TheRock, @SnoopDogg just delivered a #WrestleMania style People's Elbow to @mikethemiz and it was AWESOME!!! https://t.co/H0FiZo30Vw

Finn Balor vs. Edge - Hell in a Cell match at WrestleMania 39

This entrance by @EdgeRatedR was EPIC! 🔥


We got a Brood Edge entrance for the Rated-R Superstar, but it changed halfway through, and we got the regular Edge theme as well. Balor came out as the Demon with some added purple in his gear for The Judgment Day.

The Demon has arrived!

@FinnBalor 😈

#WrestleMania https://t.co/77SoldZYS4

Both men went for weapons early on, and Balor shook off a chair shot before beating Edge down with Kendo Sticks. Edge used some of them to lock Balor in the corner of the cage and hit a big dropkick.

Feels like they are just getting warmed up too.

#WrestleMania https://t.co/64orsfWrau

Balor broke free and headed back to the ring before Edge got an Impaler DDT. Edge hit the Kill Switch after being put through a table. Edge got a ladder out before tossing it at Balor before the match was paused because Finn started bleeding.

Oh my.

#WrestleMania https://t.co/puZ88F54Lt

Balor was able to continue the match and got the Slingblade and the Coupe de Grace for a near fall. Edge set up the ladder in the ring and hit the impaler DDT from the top.

This Hell in a Cell Match between @EdgeRated & @FinnBalor is a #WrestleMania spectacle! https://t.co/p3dqJAV4Zy

Another table came out, and Edge was set on top of it before Balor hit a dive, but the Rated-R Superstar rolled away, and Balor went through the table. Edge got a spear for another near fall before getting the Con-Chair-To for the win.

Result: Edge def. Finn Balor at WrestleMania

The Rated-R SUUUPERSTARRR @EdgeRatedR wins inside Hell in a Cell!

#WrestleMania https://t.co/l90d8AYyDS

Grade: A

We got a recap of the Hall of Fame induction ceremony, and the superstars walked out to celebrate before we headed for the main event.

Roman Reigns (c) vs. Cody Rhodes - Undisputed Universal Championship match at WrestleMania 39

A beautiful story. 💜

@CodyRhodes has a special #WrestleMania weight belt for Brodie, son of the late, great Jon Huber. https://t.co/Yahq8iJBno

Roman got on the mic after the entrances and asked the fans to acknowledge him before kicking things off. We had a staredown off the bat and Roman was in control early on. Rhodes missed a springboard move and took a powerbomb before Reigns got a few near-falls.

#RomanReigns vs. #CodyRhodes

#WrestleMania https://t.co/ZJ7iYIruTM

Cody was dropped on the apron and then suplexed onto the entrance ramp before Rhodes got up and suplexed the champ onto the ramp. Solo Sikoa got a cheap shot on Cody with a steel chair before Roman got the drive-by on the apron. Solo ran another distraction, leading to a near fall.

#CodyRhodes sends #RomanReigns through the announce table!!! #WrestleMania https://t.co/GW6A0c0FCG

They got on the announcers' table, and Cody blocked a powerbomb on it before hitting a back body drop to send Roman through the table. Back in the ring, Rhodes got the Cody Cutter for a near fall.


#WrestleMania https://t.co/rFukcTZZ3G

Roman caught a dive to the outside before Solo attacked Cody with his own weight belt. The ref caught the violation this time and sent Sikoa backstage. Roman had the weight belt now, and the ref tried to take it, but he wouldn't give it away.

Pedigree by @CodyRhodes! 🤯

#WrestleMania https://t.co/CrDzGkfV1H

Cody came in with the Cross Rhodes off the distraction and got a near fall before dodging the Superman Punch and getting another near fall off a Pedigree. Roman finally got the Superman Punch for a near fall of his own.

This #WrestleMania atmosphere is unbelievable as #RomanReigns and #CodyRhodes clash for the #UndisputedTitle! https://t.co/OLUp56xc1K

Cody dodged two spears and got the Figure-Four locked in, but Roman reversed it. The two traded punches before Cody took a spear. Roman got the guillotine locked in, but Cody managed to break out. Cody got a kick but accidentally took out the ref. Roman got a Superman Punch before both men went down.

Hammering down those right hands, @CodyRhodes! 👊

#WrestleMania https://t.co/tcwAxTcHXg

Cody was about to finish the match, but the Usos came in and hit superkicks and the 1D to take Rhodes out. Sami and KO came out to make the save and took out the Usos before hitting a stunner and the Helluva kick on Roman and chasing the Usos down.


@FightOwensFIght & @SamiZayn have arrived to counter @WWEUsos at #WrestleMania! https://t.co/mwqQJ4R6aN

The ref was back up, and Reigns managed to kick out before the match continued. Cody got the Bionic Elbow and two Cross-Rhodes before Heyman distracted the ref, and Solo came back in for the Samoan Spike on Cody. Reigns followed up with the spear and picked up the win.

Result: Roman Reigns def. Cody Rhodes to retain the Undisputed Universal Championship at WrestleMania

#RomanReigns WINS at #WrestleMania!

#AndStill ☝️ https://t.co/qNu7BQsDsN

Grade: A

Show rating: A

We got a very awkward return for Shane O'Mac at WrestleMania, while Edge and Balor put on a brutal match tonight at Night Two of WrestleMania 39.

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