
Why WrestleMania 32 will turn out to be a disaster for Roman Reigns

He’ll be smiling alone this time 

It's been a bumpy ride for Roman Reigns in the WWE so far. Over the past couple of years, he has been rhythmically screwed over  by the Authority, but has still defied all odds and proved the fact that he is a force to be reckoned with.

He is the modern day John Cena, even though he denies it. Now if a top babyface wrestler is screwed by the Authority, how do the fans react to it? To put it simply, they get behind the wrestler, chant his name every time he shows up to convey to the oppressors that they are going to support their favorite wrestler, come what may.

This formula worked for Daniel Bryan and the fans loved it. But, this hasn't been the case with Roman. A large section of the WWE Universe boos him every time he makes his entrance. Some love him, but most don’t.

This is going to be Roman's second consecutive main event match and he will be up against the boss, Triple H, in the battle to regain his WWE World Heavyweight Championship that he lost at the Royal Rumble.

 Let's go back to the Rumble match and see how that turned out to be for Roman and Triple H. Roman was dominating the match, then he was attacked by the League of Nations, and nobody expected to see him again.

But being the superhuman figure he is, he came back to the match to a mixed reaction. It was time for entrant #30, everyone was waiting to see who it would turn out to be, and out came Triple H to a monster pop.

The moment Triple H eliminated Roman and won the Rumble, the crowd went nuts. Even though he is the top heel in the company, the crowd got behind Triple H and that's exactly what's gonna happen in the main event of WrestleMania 32. 

The crowd's going to be bigger at Mania and you can expect Roman to get a mixed reaction from the crowd at best and in all likeliness, a negative reaction. Given the fact that Roman is poised to win at The Showcase of Immortals and finally have his Wrestlemania moment, the crowd's not going to take it very well. 

The fans were lobbying for Dean Ambrose to win the Triple Threat Match at Fastlane. But that didn't happen and now Ambrose is expected to work a match with Brock Lesnar.

Assuming the fact that the WWE goes ahead with the idea of AJ Styles vs Kevin Owens for the Intercontinental Championship, people are going to have a lot of expectations from these two matches, and they are not going to disappoint because this is something the fans want to see.

These matches are going to help Ambrose, Styles and Owens get over with the crowd (no mention of Lesnar because he doesn’t really need it), but their gain will come at the expense of Roman's loss as their matches are going to overshadow the main event.

Today the superstars involved and the storyline are all what the fans need to see along with quality wrestling. In that context, the match between AJ and Owens is going to be the fight that fans are going to cherish for years to come as the faithful have been lobbying for this match since the time it was announced that AJ was headed to the WWE from NJPW.

Similarly, the match between Lesnar and Ambrose will turn out to be great as the buildup to this match till now has been perfect. On top of that, it’s going to be a No Holds Barred Street Fight!

Roman winning the title will be somewhat similar to Daniel Bryan winning the title 2 years back at Wrestlemania 30, but in Roman's case, people are going to chant ‘NO!, NO!, NO!’. Despite their benevolence, the WWE are inadvertently going to screw Roman Reigns this Wrestlemania. 

But imagining a scenario where Roman does turn heel after Mania and becomes the Beast that he was when he was a part of the Shield, that can prove to be a turning point for Roman and that way, he can get over with the fans. This trick worked for him when the Shield turned face and the crowd got behind him. This trick also worked for his cousin The Rock and if WWE does something like this with Roman, then I think Roman can actually become the face of the company.

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