WWE's greatest families - Part 2

Bret Hart
Continuing from where we left in Part 1 when we looked back at the careers of the Guerrero, the Orton and the Rhodes families , we shall now take a look at the final three greatest families that have been the major power players in the storylines of the Stamford, Connecticut based Wrestling conglomerate.
3) The Hart Family
The Hart family from Calgary,Alberta, Canada are one of the most revered family stables that have ever stepped inside the WWE’s ring. The patriarch of the family, Stu Hart was a wrestler as well as a promoter in Calgary. But he gained fame as a trainer inside the infamous Hart dungeon. The dungeon which was basically the basement of the Hart family home where the trainees didn’t have any protection with bare walls and floors as the only things that could stop your momentum.
A wrestling family through and through, all 8 of Stu’s sons found themselves inside the ring either as wrestlers or in the case of Wayne Hart as a pro-wrestling referee. His four daughters all married pro-wrestlers as the next generation of the Hart family started to dominate the wrestling scene from the late 1980′s.
The most famous of Stu’s sons is of course Bret ‘Hitman’ Hart (the best there is, the best there and the best there ever will be. Enough said.) The second ever WWE Triple crown champion, Bret is still considered by many as the best technical wrestler that has ever wrestled in the WWE. The Hall of famer won the WWF championship 5 times. He also won the Intercontinental championship, the tag-team championship and the King of the Ring tournament twice. Bret Hart also got his hands on the US championship once and won the Royal Rumble once as well.
However, his most remembered moment was also the one that he was left most humiliated by – The Montreal Screwjob when Vince Mcmahon screwed him of the WWF championship in front of his home crowd in Montreal. Hart then joined WCW where he won the WCW World Heavyweight title 2 times, the WCW US title 4 times and the WCW Tag team championship (With Goldberg) to become the only man to have captured the Triple crown with both WWE and WCW.
Other famous Hart family wrestlers include Owen Hart, the British Bulldog and current WWE diva Natalya. Owen Hart won the King of the Ring tournament in 1994> He also won the WWF European championship(once),the WWF Intercontinental championship(twice) and the WWF Tag-team championship(4 times). Owen lost his life in a tragic accident when he fell 74 feet onto the top rope of the ring while grappling down into the ring(part of his Blue Blazer gimmick).The British Bulldog, who married Bret and Owen’s sister – Diana Joyce was a two-time Hardcore, Tag-team and European Champion. He also won the WWF Intercontinental championship once. He died of a heart attack caused by his excessive abuse of steroids and the human growth hormone.
These days the Hart family is represented by Natalya in the WWE locker room.