
Xavier Woods wants The New Day to have a "fantasy" match against top AEW faction

2019 VidCon
2019 VidCon

Xavier Woods is an avid gamer and is at the forefront of any potential crossover that WWE has with a major game. He even mentioned on The New Day: Feel The Power podcast that his objective is to have WWE have as many crossovers with major games as he can.

In their Q&A edition of the podcast, all three members of the New Day were asked about a dream match. Kofi Kingston mentioned Shawn Michaels, Big E mentioned Goldberg (while trashing the idea of high work rate and star ratings), and Xavier Woods said that a realistic goal is to go up against The Undisputed Era.

However, a "fantasy" match of his is unsurprisingly against his arch-nemesis Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks, who he's shared the stage with before - just not in a wrestling ring. He said:

"Obviously, we haven't gone up against The Undisputed Era as a group so I'd love that. But one that's "more of a fantasy" that probably won't happen - I hope it does at some point, would be going up against The Elite. Specifically Kenny [Omega] and The [Young] Bucks. We had a taste of that - we went up against them in a Street Fighter competition in E3."

He emphasized on the importance of the crossover and the "companies colliding":

"We were bringing Wrestling words together, we were having companies collide - showing that everyone can just have a good time and wrestling should just be wrestling for the sake of people's entertainment because that's what we're doing. That's what this is all about. And it would entertain the absolute hell out of me to be able to wrestle those boys."

It's nice to see that he mentioned the appeal of crossovers like these. We as wrestling fans often get caught up with the smallest of things such as company wars and "company loyalty", we forget to sit back and simply enjoy wrestling for what it is.

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