Atlantic Crossword Answers Today

Clues & Answers

across scroll button icon
Doing the ___ (being over-the-top)
Sell, as an advertising concept
Body image?
Places for religious offerings
Herman of television, or Reese of baseball
"First Fig" poet ___ St. Vincent Millay
down scroll button icon
Winter gear that Michigan is said to resemble
Capital about 220 miles from Toronto
Term for a group of 20
"It's just one of ___ days ..." (memorable Limp Bizkit lyric)
Became ashen
Stuff that might hold a nerd's glasses together

What is the Atlantic Crossword

The Atlantic Crossword, which was introduced in 2018, is a relatively new addition to the world of crosswords by different publications. Introduced in 2018, the daily crossword puzzles are designed by Paolo Pasco and Caleb Madison. They are made to appeal to both casual solvers and more experienced crossword enthusiasts.

You can solve the Atlantic Crossword directly on The Atlantic's website or through its mobile app. The puzzle's difficulty varies through the week with Monday being the easiest, and Sunday being the biggest and toughest. The latest puzzle gets published on the crossword page every weekday at midnight, Eastern Standard Time.

The puzzles often use topics from recent news, popular culture, and common knowledge, making them both fun and educational. For fans of The Atlantic, solving the daily crossword can feel like a way to connect with the magazine's intellectual landscape.

Why Crossword puzzles are great for your brain

Crossword puzzles, like the Atlantic Crossword, are more than just a fun pastime; they’re also great for your brain. Studies have shown that regularly working on puzzles can help improve cognitive functions such as memory, focus, and problem-solving abilities. Crosswords are a fun way to exercise your brain. They make you think hard by connecting words and ideas that don't seem related at first.

Here are some of the cognitive benefits you can experience by solving crosswords:

  1. Enhances Vocabulary: Each crossword is a chance to learn new words and phrases.
  2. Improves Memory: At times, clues can refer to history, science, literature, or pop culture, requiring you to recall information that you may have learned years ago.
  3. Sharpens Problem-Solving Skills: Crosswords make you think logically and solve problems as you figure out the answers to tricky clues.
  4. Increases Focus and Patience: Solving a crossword demands full concentration and can help improve your attention span.

Atlantic Crossword Answers

At Sportskeeda, our Crossword tool will help you find answers to clues you may be struggling with in today's Atlantic Crossword puzzle.

We update our site every day with the latest clues and answers, so you’ll always have the most current information. Here’s how our tool can help you:

  • Stuck on a clue? Just click “Reveal Answer” to see the solution for that clue without spoiling the rest of the puzzle.
  • Want all the answers? Use the “Reveal All” option to see the complete set of answers for that day’s Atlantic crossword.
  • Missed a puzzle? We offer answers for the last five days, so you can catch up by selecting the date from the dropdown menu.

Plus, we know many people love solving crosswords from different sources, so our tool also includes answers for other puzzles from various publications.

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