Big John Studd

Big John Studd

Personal Information

Full Name John William Minton
Date of Birth February 19, 1948
Nationality USA
Height 6'10"

Big John Studd: A Brief Biography

Big John Studd is a legend in the wrestling business as well as having an acting career. He

was trained by another legend of the business, Killer Kowalski. He began wrestling in the

Independent Scene, and tagged with ‘Superstar’ Billy Graham. A giant by any measure at 6

foot 10 inches, his height would be a factor in later being named ‘Big’ John Studd.

  1. Wrestling Territories
  2. Big John Studd WWE and Andre ‘The Giant’
  3. Big John Studd Death

big john studd

Wrestling Territories

He would wrestle in the World Wide Wrestling Federation between 1972 and 1973, the

previous version of WWE, for a year before leaving to other territories. He would return to

the company in 1976 and stayed till 1977. Big John Studd would also wrestle for Mid Atlantic

Wrestling Championship and American Wrestling Association, before coming back to WWE.

Big John Studd WWE and Andre ‘The Giant’

Big John Studd’s next time wrestling in WWE was different, as he was matched up with an

equally giant figure in Andre ‘The Giant’. The two began to feud in 1982, and their feud

reached epic proportions. Big John Studd would continue to feud with Andre on and off till 1986.

He retired, but returned in 1988 and had a two-year feud with the Heenan Family before

quitting in 1989. After his passing he was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2004.

Big John Studd Death

In 1989, Big John Studd was diagnosed with a tumor and underwent procedures to remove

it. While it had remitted it re-occurred in 1994 and passed away in 1995 after undergoing

Chemotherapy. He had suffered from Liver Cancer.

big john studd

People Also Ask

How did Big John Studd die?

Hodgkin's lymphoma

When did Big John Studd die?

March 20, 1995

How old is Big John Studd?

47 years (1948–1995)

Where is Big John Studd?

Butler, PA