Michael Cole
Video: Triple H's latest interview with Michael Cole
Video: Triple H's latest interview with Michael Cole
Triple H says he'll deal with wrestler formerly known as Big Show, talks Rhodes family's title win
Triple H says he'll deal with wrestler formerly known as Big Show, talks Rhodes family's title win
Michael Cole says Triple H's jaw may be wired shut, Big Show could be arrested
Michael Cole says Triple H's jaw may be wired shut, Big Show could be arrested
Video: Michael Cole's three interviews with Triple H
Video: Michael Cole's three interviews with Triple H
Triple H on if WWE Stars that helped Daniel Bryan on RAW will be punished
Triple H on if WWE Stars that helped Daniel Bryan on RAW will be punished
Michael Cole talks about recent Chris Jericho mocking incident
Michael Cole talks about recent Chris Jericho mocking incident
The JBL and Cole show: Episode 5, December 28, 2012
The JBL and Cole show: Episode 5, December 28, 2012
The JBL and Cole show - Episode 2 - Worst owners of professional Sports
The JBL and Cole show - Episode 2 - Worst owners of professional Sports