Nikolai Volkoff

Nikolai Volkoff

Personal Information

Full Name Josip Hrvoje Peruzović
Date of Birth October 14, 1947
Nationality Yugoslavia / Croatia
Height 6'4"

Nikolai Volkoff: A Brief Biography

Nikolai Volkoff had a career that spanned many decades in sports entertainment. While Nikolai

Volkoff was portrayed as a heel Russian character, in reality, he was of Croatian origin with Yugoslav


While Volkoff was known as Bepo in his initial WWWF run, he would find the most success as

Volkoff. It was under this name that he wrestled Bruno Sammartino at Madison Square Garden,

which would become a full fledged feud. Nikolai Volkoff even feuded with Bob Backlund when he

became the Champion.

It was in the 80s that Volkoff started singing the Soviet National Anthem to get a massive heel

reaction from the crowd in attendance. He began teaming up with the Iron Sheik at this point, and

even won the Tag Team Championships in the first WrestleMania pay-per-view.

He would also feud with Hulk Hogan, pitting the All American superhero against the consummate

Russian heel character. Nikolai Volkoff would be in a variety of feuds in the 80s, and even turn

babyface in the 90s. He would leave WWE for a brief spell in the 90s.

When Volkoff returned to WWE to join Ted DiBiase’s Million Dollar Corporation. He would gain the

audience’s sympathy by appearing as a heel who has forced to join the group because he was broke.

In 1995, Nikolai Volkoff entered a state of semi retirement.

For his contributions to the world of sports entertainment, Nikolai Volkoff was inducted into the

WWE Hall of Fame in 2005 by Jim Ross. Nikolai Volkoff passed away from dehydration and many other health issues, at

the advanced age of 70.